Top Ten Blog Posts

Decentralized Organization Examples

I’ve now published 894 blog posts. And, I thought it was worth sharing some of the most popular ones. Here are the top ten most popular blog posts on my site.

My Top Ten Blog Posts

  1. Examples of Centralized and Decentralized Organisations
  2. Ten Famous Manifestos
  3. How to Write Your Manifesto in Two Steps
  4. The Manifesto Manifesto
  5. Yvonne Rainer, The No Manifesto
  6. Manifesto versus Mission and Vision Statements
  7. The US Declaration of Independence – Part 2
  8. Apple Manifesto: Here’s to the Crazy Ones
  9. What is Ideas Marketing?
  10. Weaknesses: Four Strategies to Overcome Yours

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What did you notice?

Here are three interesting things to notice about this list…

  • The top page, the examples of decentralized and centralized organisations, brings in almost 20% of my entire blog traffic. That’s an extraordinary result. Surprisingly I don’t have a single post that relates to this one which means I could be leveraging this more powerfully by simply by writing some related posts.
  • It’s interesting to notice that seven out of my top ten blog posts are all about manifestos. These seven posts bring in about 25% of my traffic. The surprise here is that I’m not working on manifestos at the moment and haven’t for a few years. Again, it suggests there is an opportunity here to leverage this more powerfully by creating some related content or perhaps an ebook. It’s also prompted me to consider creating an online course for Skillshare based on these posts.
  • The final two posts are not related to the others. Whilst I’ve written a lot about Ideas Marketing this one streets the rest of them. And, the weaknesses post is one of a series of four on strengths. It seems that weaknesses trump strengths!

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Your Top Ten

The reason that I’m sharing my top ten blog posts is because I think there are some opportunities. Here are a couple of thoughts you might like to consider for your business:

  • What are your most popular blog posts? Product lines? Presentations?
  • What is popular in your business that you are not taking advantage of?
  • Is there a theme, challenge or issue that you’re not paying attention to?
  • Are you focusing on the wrong thing? Are you presenting strengths when more people are interested in weaknesses?
  • How can you gain feedback from what your audience is interested in? This is one of the reasons I suggest you blog – the traffic will tell what people are interested in.
  • How are you measuring your success? Hopefully, it’s more than just page views and that’s important for a blogger.

QUESTION: What are the top then things in your business?


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