Three simple ways to define your thought leadership

How do you define your thought leadership? That’s a big question for content creators and aspiring thought leaders. I know a lot of people, including me, who have wasted a lot of time over many years trying to get this right. We’ve spent years going back and forth, back and forth, trying this and trying […]
Top 10 Business Books for 2018

Top Ten Business Books of the Year What are the top 10 business books for 2018? And what is your book of the year? Each year, I aim to read 50 books. In 2018, I fell a few short and read 40 books. Still a good result. From this list of books I’ve selected my […]
Best Business Books to Increase Productivity
The Best Business Books What are the best business books to increase productivity? I have a strong personal interest in this question. As I wrote in my book Done: How to finish your projects when traditional ways don’t work, I had a serious problem finishing things – at one point I had over 25 half-written […]
Project Passion: Inner Goals Over Outer Goals
Inner Goals One of the reasons that we fail to complete our projects is that we focus on inner goals and not outer goals. Have you ever considered that you might be working on the wrong goal? And, I don’t mean writing a book versus getting a new job. Heidi Grant Halvorson is a social psychologist […]
Project Design Books – Twelve of the Best
The thing that I am most proud of around Project Passion is that it was fuelled by Book Rapper. Yep, re-reading my own material provided the insight I needed. It’s a neat reminder for me about the value of great books and the RAPs as a quick reference guide. Thus, this list of Project Design […]
Leadership Trend 3: Focus and Symphony
This is the third of six in a series of self-leadership trends adapted from Daniel Pink’s book A Whole New Mind. Previously in this series were: Function and Design Argument and Story In the world of the factory and the Industrial Revolution we needed focus and specialisation. Today in our knowledge economy knowing how all […]
The Emotions of Innovation
The emotions of innovation are often either a missing or misunderstood part of the innovation process. The Role of Emotions My book of the year for 2019 was David De Steno’s book, Emotional Success. He is a researcher into our emotions. In Emotional Success, he talks about how our emotions set up our future actions. […]
A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink
How to Think Right This is the Book Rapper version of Daniel Pink’s best selling book, A Whole New Mind. We’ve rewritten the book so you can grasp that big ideas in under 30 minutes. We called our issue: How to Think Right. If you want our beautifully designed pdf copy click here. It includes audio […]
How to Think Right
The Book Daniel H Pink, A Whole New Mind, Allen and Unwin, Crows Nest, 2006 Speed RAP Logical, rational left-brain thinking is necessary yet no longer enough. The right brain skills of design, story telling, emotional empathy, the big picture, playfulness and creating meaning are the keys to succes BIG Idea Pink uses a great […]
Design Advantage : The Secret to Creating Long-Term Value 16
Design Advantage : The Secret to Creating Long-Term Value 16Derived from: Roger Martin’s The Design of Business Companion Pieces PROFIT : Want to fill your brain with more great ideas? The obvious thing to do is buy a copy Roger Martin’s book and read that – We only select 12 books a year so you […]