The Clever Content Creation Way to an Expert Personal Brand

If you want to attract your ideal clients, you need to build an expert personal brand. But how do you do that? And specifically, how do you do that through content creation? In this post, I’ll share three principles, three examples and ten big tips to help you create your expert personal brand so you […]
Create a Service Offering you’ll fall in love with

What’s the right service offering for you and your business? The big challenge thought leaders, business experts and professional service firms have is choosing the right mix of services to offer. Two Big Mistakes There are two big mistakes that most people make with their service offering. First, they offer too many things. For instance, […]
How to Become a Thought Leader
To become a thought leader and the go-to person in your industry or niche is a great goal to pursue because it means you have helped a lot of people along the way. But how do you achieve this reputation? While the process will take time and effort, to become a thought leader is quite […]
Are you a Thought Leader?
Are you a thought leader? The term thought leader can be a divisive one. Some people think they are one, others may disagree. Some people proudly claim to be one, while others think it’s only a term that others apply to you. To answer the question, ‘What is a Thought Leader?’, I’ve asked four colleagues […]
Thought Leadership Strategy and Your Hyper Focus
Thought Leadership Strategy – The three things every thought leader needs to build to have a successful business. Thought leaders often run their business as a solo operator. And this can be hard because there is always a never-ending list of things to do. At times, it can be hard to know what to focus on. […]
What is Thought Leadership?
1: What is Thought Leadership? What is Thought Leadership? A lot of people have heard of the term ‘Thought Leader’ and some of the people I work with even aspire to be one. But what is a Thought Leader? Rather than define ‘what is a thought leader’ let’s look at seven examples of Thought Leaders […]
Thought Leadership Content Marketing
Thought Leadership Content Marketing – Three Levels of Planning and Strategy Content Marketing is the sharing of ideas to help readers make informed decisions. It’s a perfect fit for Thought Leaders because that’s what they do – share ideas. But Content Marketing can be a big waste of time if you don’t do it […]
Thought Leadership Marketing – Three Strategies
Thought Leadership Marketing – Three Strategies Marketing is important for all businesses because it helps us grow. Most people talk about marketing in a particular way, and this works well for product-based businesses. But given Thought Leaders are selling ideas, what is the best way for them to market their business? In this post, we’ll […]
Definitions of Thought Leadership
Definitions of Thought Leadership: What is a thought leader? What is a Thought Leader? Prior to 1990, the term ‘thought leader’ was not widely used. And then suddenly ‘thought leaders’ started appearing everywhere. First in books, then in conversations, it’s now a search term on Google and business experts are branding themselves in ‘thought leadership’. But […]
Purpose for Business Experts – 4 Levels of Purpose
Purpose for Business Experts Purpose for business experts is a hot topic right now. I post regularly on LinkedIn, and it seems like everyone over there is talking about purpose. But what I’ve noticed is that most people are focusing on only one part of purpose and not all four parts. In this post, I’ll […]