Double Sided Innovation Example 2: Radio

Derived From James Surowiecki, Wisdom of Crowds Radio In the early days of radio three companies in the US dominated – American Marconi, NESCO and De Forest Wireless Telegraphy. Each of these companies had very different approaches to how to develop and distribute radio. More interestingly each of these companies was sponsored in different ways: […]

Double Sided Innovation Example 1: Motor Cars

Double Sided Innovation - Model T Ford

Most innovation programs only focus on one side of the problem – the generation of ideas. But unless you also provide and develop champions and sponsors of ideas, the level of innovation results will be minimal. In James Surowiecki’s best-selling book, The wisdom of crowds he shares a number of examples of double-sided innovation. (We […]

The Forgotten Side of Innovation – Side 2

Derived From James Surowiecki, Wisdom of Crowds Step 2: Sponsor Ideas The second step for innovation is for the ideas to be adopted, sponsored and championed by a diverse audience. The archenemy of a creative idea is an audience who doesn’t perceive it’s true value and the result is that everyone takes the same approach. […]

Four Levels of Collective Decision Making

Derived From James Surowiecki, Wisdom of Crowds PROFIT : If Collective Decision Making is better than doing it alone, how can we tap into this source of power? Clearly this depends upon the size of the group you are starting with and relying upon. Here, we look at four group sizes and how you can […]

Double Sided Innovation – Side 1

Derived From James Surowiecki, Wisdom of Crowds PROFIT : Most innovation programs only focus on one half of the problem – generating ideas. However, without the fundamental second step of having a diversity of sponsors to bring a range of ideas to life, you may be killing off your best opportunities. Here’s how to include […]

The Surprising Key to Business Success

Derived From James Surowiecki , Wisdom of Crowds PROFIT : If there was one key to business success, what do you think it would be? Most of us probably think it has got something to do with money, profit  or value. A big swing in the past few years suggests the key is people and […]

Four Qualities of Wise Crowds

Derived From James Surowiecki, Wisdom of Crowds PROFIT : The Wisdom of Crowds is not simply about getting any group of bodies together. Whilst it needs to be the right crowd, they don’t have to be a smart one provided they demonstrate the four key qualities for making wise decisions. 1 Diverse The simple mathematical […]

Collective Wisdom and Group Decisions

Derived From James Surowiecki, Wisdom of Crowds PROFIT : Are you good at making decisions? Be careful, that’s a trick question… Even if you’re really, really good at making decisions you may be surprised to know that a crowd will consistently out perform you. Here’s how… Collective Wisdom If you simply ask enough people then […]

Book Review : The Wisdom of Crowds

The Book James Surowiecki, The Wisdom of Crowds, Anchor Books, New York, 2005, ISBN: 0-385-72170-6, 284 pages. Précis The lone ranger expert who tinkers alone in his shed has been replaced by the universal mob of experts, amateurs and misfits. When it comes to making decisions, the crowd is smarter than any one individual. Features […]

Wise: How to Make Collaborative Decisions

The Book James Surowiecki, The Wisdom of Crowds, Anchor Books, New York, 2005 Speed RAP The world has gone collective! Making good decisions has always been important. Now, Surowiecki points us to the most effective way possible and it’s a collaborative approach. It’s time to employ internet and digital technologies to make it easier to […]