Georgian Benta – Build the Gratitude Habit

Georgian Benta: Build the Gratitude Habit Georgian Benta is an entrepreneur and podcaster based in Romania. He is the host of The Gratitude Podcast which has had over 30,000 downloads. Georgian’s vision is to inspire 100,000 people to live a life inspired by gratitude. He shares his pursuit of self-knowledge from a simple desire to understand […]

Geoff McDonald – The Ideas Architect

Geoff McDonald: The Ideas Architect In this special 100th episode we turn the tables as Suzanne Mercier interviews The Ideas Architect himself Geoff McDonald – we talk about podcasting, board games, Book Rapper, Project Passion and purpose. The Ideas Architect Podcast In Episode 100 of The Ideas Architect Podcast we discuss: Why I created The […]

Yenny Stromgren – Everyday Light Warriors

How do you find your passion in life? Yenny Stromgren found hers by accident. Yenny Stromgren Podcast Interview A Swede living in Australia. Yenny Stromgren originally came Down Under to pursue her photography career. And, has recently made the shift from visuals to audio through her Everyday Light Warriors podcast which is growing a healthy […]

Lessons from Podcasting

What does it take to put a podcast show together? What are the emerging trends for podcasting? And, what tools and work flow do you need to make your show happen? Our Topic This is episode #50 of the Ideas Architect podcast. Yeehar! And, given it’s a milestone issue we thought it would be a […]

Podcast Episodes: How long should they be?

String and Podcast Episodes

Podcast Episodes I’ve had a few people ask me recently about podcasts. And in particular, how long should your podcast episodes be? This is like asking about the length of string. It depends. And, here’s four guidelines to shape your thinking. 1 The Usual Previously I shared my seven favourite podcasts. Typically these are interview […]