Welcome to My World!

Welcome to My World!

I’ve been blogging over at www.bookrapper.com/blog/ for the past couple of years… over 300 posts.

And, now I’m swinging over to my own domain name, geoffmcdonald.com.

From now on, all my new content will be posted here.

Posts, E-books and Books

My long term plan is to write at least one book each year. Yeah, I know that’s ambitious!

And, the key to that plan is to be posting content through my blog every day. Well, almost every day.

When I collect enough posts around a single idea, I’ll combine them into smaller e-books – probably 10-20 pages.

You can get them here by clicking on the tag ‘ebook’. Or, so you don’t miss any you can subscribe also.

Then, when a few e-books come together this will culminate in a book.


And, when I say books I’m not attached to them being on paper.

They’ll probably start out this way and it’s likely they’ll all end up as e-books of one sort or another.

In these days of digital and multimedia; videos, audio, animations, links and searching are way too useful to be culled because of paper.

We’ll explore this and see where we finish up.

Your Role

If you’re willing to join in, I’d love you to add your comments and thoughts.

This way we can combine our brainpower. And have some fun along the way.

This’ll refine and enhance what I write.

Plus, I’ll acknowledge your contributions in my books.

Writing About?

So, what am I going to write about? Design, design thinking, creativity, innovation, trends, ideas…

I like to think of this as ‘creating new worlds’ and ‘bringing ideas to life’.

The first book I’m writing will be around Manifestos.

And the first ebook – The Nine Principles of Manifestos will be available very soon. Check the tag ‘ebooks’ or subscribe to the events and ebook alert.

If you’d like to follow along and join in, subscribe to the RSS feed and strap yourself in for an interesting ride…

More Updates

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