Today’s CV: Do I need a CV?

Today’s CV: Do I need one?

Derived from…

Seth Godin, Linchpin: Are You Indispensable

New Rules for Your New Career

RAP4 : Your New Job (2)

To CV or not to CV?
Do you need a CV to get your next prized role?
Well, that depends on the job you’re applying for.
If it’s a standardized role that many cogs could fill, it’s likely you will need one.
That’s because a standard job will have a standard application process that requires the standard CV.
It’s much easier for the recruiters to slash the applicants down to the chosen few this way.

If this is the case for your next role, then you need to ask:

  • ‘Am I applying for the right role?’
  • ‘If I got this role, is there going to be room for me to practise my art and share my gifts?’

If you’re in HR and getting poor candidates, check your process.

To really get a great job you’ll need to stand out so instead of a CV…

  • Write a compelling blog.
  • Get three extraordinary letters of recommendation.
  • Create a list of great projects you’ve worked on.
  • Build a reputation that precedes you.

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