Twit Rapper: Design Advantage, The movie!

Twit Rapper: Design Advantage, The movie!Here it is… our Twit Rapper video/slideshow summary of Book Rapper‘s Design Advantage and all derived from Roger Martin’s The Design of Business. This is our first Twit Rapper video. Love to hear your thoughts on how we can improve it for future issues.

Twit Rapper: Design Advantage, Part 2

Twit Rapper: Design Advantage, Part 2 Twit Rapper: A Book Rapper Book Summary in 26 tweets… Numbered tweets, 1A= first book, tweet A. Read all 26! Here’s the second half and remaining 13 tweets from Book Rapper’s Design Advantage. 1N: Opportunity 1: Your business solves a problem. Change the way you solve this problem. 1O: […]

Twit Rapper: Design Advantage

Twit Rapper: Design Advantage Twit Rapper: A Book Rapper Book Summary in 26 tweets… Numbered tweets, 1A= first book, tweet A. Read all 26! Here’s the first half or 13 tweets from Book Rapper’s Design Advantage. 1A: Design Advantage: The Secret to Creating Long-Term Value. Derived from Roger Martin, The Design of Business. 1B: Speed […]

Launching Twit Rapper…

Launching Twit Rapper… Every now and then you come across a book that truly inspires you. And, I don’t mean it makes you feel good. I mean, it puts a thousand volts of electricity in your head and sparks a lightning storm of ‘gotta do that’ ideas. Well, this book did just that for me! […]