Seven Principles for Building Referrals

Derived from : John Jantsch, The Referral Engine Buy The Referral Engine on Amazon (Affiliate Link) What makes you blow someone elses trumpet? What makes you refer someone or not? Where do you get most of your business from? If it’s referrals, do you have a method for making this happen or is it ad-hoc? […]

Book Rapper Review: The Referral Engine

The Book John Jantsch, The Referral Engine: Teaching Your Business to Market Itself; Portfolio, Penguin Books; New York, 2010. Précis A hands-on guide to have your customers generate new business leads on your behalf. Features • Examples galore : pluck the ones that work best for your situation. • Practical : apply this in the […]

Book Rapper Summary: Your Referral Trumpet

The Book John Jantsch, The Referral Engine The Big Idea Too often referrals are a BTW – “By the way, got any referrals for me?” Yuck!!! Instead of tackily tacking it on the end of your service, start with the referral in mind. Build the expectation in your customer’s mind in advance. And, the business […]