How to Give Your Idea a Potent Twist
The Book Chip and Dan Heath, Made To Stick: Why Some Ideas Take Hold and Others Come Unstuck; Random House; London; 2007. The BIG Idea Your greatest asset is your mind; your greatest advantage is the stickiness of your messaging. Speed RAP We’re all scientists in one way. We all have theories and hypotheses. We’re […]
Made to Stick and the Sticking Point – Update
The Made to Stick book has become a classic. I know that because it now has it’s own Wikipeda page. Now, that’s an interesting measure of SUCCEs… Frank Sinatra sang about New York, ‘If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere’. Perhaps, Wikipedia has now replaced New York as the centre of […]
Made to Stick: How to Live Forever
* Based upon your feedback, my posts have been getting a bit long. So, I’ll split the updates into two. The first will be the context piece from the Book Rapper issue. Then I’ll follow this with the update so we’re all on the same page. The Book: Made to StickChip and Dan HeathMade To […]