Lesson 3 : What Do You Love To Do?

I used to scoff at people that suggested that if you only did what you loved then life would flow more easily, smoothly and effortlessly. I didn’t believe life worked like that. It didn’t make sense that it could. Now, I’m a believer. And that’s one of my big lessons from Book Rapper. When it […]

Lesson 2 : What Are You Already Doing?

So how do you create low hanging fruit? At first I thought I had to go off and create something from scratch. Then I had a brainwave. I often joke that one of my greatest strengths is that I’m fundamentally lazy! LOL! What I really mean is that I typically look for short cuts. Surprisingly, […]

Lesson 1: Are You Stuck In Your Big Picture Vision?

Book Rapper Lessons I’m often asked about the things I’ve learnt from writing 27 Book Rapper issues and having over 21,000 issues downloaded over the past three and a bit years. In response to your requests I’m starting a new blog series ‘Book Rapper Lessons’. You can follow it with the category tag ‘Book Rapper […]