Do Thought Leaders need a Mission Statement?

Do thought leaders need a mission statement? In my previous post, I shared three examples of Mission Statements from leading Content Creators. In this post, we’re looking at Mission Statement examples from Thought Leaders. What’s the difference between a Content Creator and a Thought Leader? Which begs the obvious question: What’s the difference between a […]
How Thought Leaders earn money from what they know

How Thought Leaders earn money from what they know One way to earn money from what you know is to package up what you know into cheap easy to buy parcels. You could create a manufactured solution, so it is always ready to pluck off the shelf when someone places an order. But to do […]
Gary Vaynerchuk on Content Marketing
Here’s a short sharp video from Gary Vaynerchuk on Content Marketing… A couple of key points to reinforce: Marketing is changing. Content is King. Content is a commodity. Quality matters. Solve your customers’ problems. Whilst, this is a high-quality production that rivals mass media TV, when we say ‘quality content’, we’re not talking about production […]
Web Line 19: Companion Pieces Worth Reading – Trust Agents
Web Line 19: Companion Pieces Worth Reading – Trust Agents Derived From Chris Brogan and Julien Smith, Trust Agents Previously Web Line 18: Your Personal Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity Companion Pieces PROFIT : Want more? Here’s some additional resources to help you float higher in the water. A Book We Like… Gary Vaynerchuk: Crush It! Why Now […]
Review: Gary Vaynerchuk ‘Crush It!’
Review: Gary Vaynerchuk: Crush It! Why Now is the time to Cash in on your Passion Who said you had to be a great writer to create a great book? In another example of ‘the world has changed’ Gary ‘I can’t write’ Vaynerchuk has just produced a worthy best seller with his first book. Of […]