Web Line 19: Companion Pieces Worth Reading – Trust Agents

Web Line 19: Companion Pieces Worth Reading – Trust Agents

Derived From
Chris Brogan and Julien Smith, Trust Agents


Web Line 18: Your Personal Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity

Companion Pieces
: Want more? Here’s some additional resources to help you float higher in the water.

A Book We Like…

Gary Vaynerchuk: Crush It!
Why Now is the time to Cash in on your Passion
This a story of Plopportunity – how one person built
a business out of his passion and how you can too.

Book Rapper’s Review of Gary Vaynerchuk’s Crush It

Book Rapper Issues

We Blog
If your blog is your home based then you’ll need an overview of the ups and downs of floating your blogging boat.

Blogs can be your primary communication channel and represent the new face of journalism

Derived from: Michael A Banks; Blogging Heroes

The Great Business Gestalt
How Web 2.0 is changing the rules for business.

In this issue we look at how Social Media is erasing the borders between customers, companies and suppliers.
Includes case studies on Google, Flickr, Facebook, Apple and more

Derived from: Amy Shuen, Web 2.0 A Strategy Guide

A guide to Twitter Strategy.

Twitter as a microblogging channel is a potent platform to positioning yourself as a Trust Agent.

Derived from: Jeff Comm, Twitter Power
Also featuring: Paul McFedries’ Twitter Tips, Tricks and Tweets

The Four Hour JOLT!
How the rules of work are changing.

Ferriss shows us that the world of
Monday to Friday 9-5 workplace attendance may be replaced by a global adventure filled with outsourcing, mini-retirements and high efficiency.

Derived from: Timothy Ferris, The Four Hour Work Week

Download the full Book Rapper issue: WebLine

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