Best Business Books to Increase Productivity

Best business books for productivity

The Best Business Books What are the best business books to increase productivity? I have a strong personal interest in this question. As I wrote in my book Done: How to finish your projects when traditional ways don’t work, I had a serious problem finishing things – at one point I had over 25 half-written […]

How to Write Motivational Stories like Stephen King

Motivational Stories Motivational stories are crucial to our success in life and at work. As human beings, we live in language. And the primary way we do that is to tell stories. We tell stories to others, perhaps at bedtime or in meetings, and we tell stories to ourselves about how the world is and […]

Business Coaching: Don’t Fix Problems

Group Business Coaching

Business Coaching In my experience working with clients and business coaching, I find they usually know what they want. The big three are: More clients and more money Get more done in less time Create something new and wonderful Whilst these are all desirable things for any business, we risk failing when we pursue them for […]

Project Design Books – Twelve of the Best

Three Gifts

The thing that I am most proud of around Project Passion is that it was fuelled by Book Rapper. Yep, re-reading my own material provided the insight I needed. It’s a neat reminder for me about the value of great books and the RAPs as a quick reference guide. Thus, this list of Project Design […]

How to Take Giant Leaps in Your Performance

The Book Steve Zaffron & Dave Logan, The Three Laws of Performance: Rewriting the Future of Your Organization and Your Life. Speed RAP The key to a breakthrough in your performance lies in seeing how your current situation is occurring to you. Change the context you are operating from and this will allow you to […]