Business Strategy Rules Rule

Business Strategy Rules The big challenge around Business Strategy Rules and Project Design is to plan just the right amount. My first career was as an architect. Our role was to plan every single thing before any construction started. Whilst this worked for 50-storey skyscrapers, it’s unlikely to be the best way to design your […]

The Business Model Manifesto Podcast

Why do we need a Business Model Manifesto? The Business Model Manifesto reflects one of the most important things in business right now. The right business model can let you make money more quickly and more easily. The wrong business model can slow your progress and make you work harder than you need to. What […]

Simple Strategy

How to Profit From Your Unique Business Advantage Derived from Richard Rumelt’s book Good Strategy, Bad Strategy. [easyazon-link asin=”0307886239″ locale=”us”]Buy Good Strategy Bad Strategy on Amazon[/easyazon-link] Simple Strategy from Geoff McDonald

The Long Tail

Chris Anderson shows there is money to be made in very small niches. The big shift has been in access to the Internet. Previously to make a good profit you needed high production volume and a best-selling product. Now, through our PCs it’s easier to create things and the Internet gives us all access to […]