iPresent: How to enthrall your audience like Steve Jobs – Part 8

iPresent: How to enthrall your audience like Steve Jobs – Part 8 Derived from : Carmine Gallo; The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs

Book Rapper Context : The Virtual Presenter – Part 2
In our previous post we offered some new presentation modes as per the image below.

Now, let’s have a look at how they might play out…

The Typical Presenter
The typical stage presentation occurs in front of a live audience. It’s face-to-face, in real-time, but one-way. The voice on stage commands the audience. And, the audience’s role is to be respectfully passive. In other words, sit down, shut-up and listen. There may be time for questions and this is usually just a bit at the end.

The YouTube Presenter
The YouTube Presenter places a pre-recorded presentation on a website, DVD or an iPod. Whilst the initial recording may be in front of an audience, the viewer of the digital recording watches face-to-place, in time-reel and one-way. This new avenue is an essential part of the speakers promotional armoury. Most speakers have one on their website. They ideally would have a YouTube channel. And, they may include video footage on a DVD dollar-earning product.

The Webinar Presenter
The Webinar Presenter has the opportunity of the Typical Presenter from a distance. They can present a one-way talking, slide-driven, multi-media presentation. However, built-in to the typical webinar technology are tools for two-way conversations. You can run polls, ask questions and have multiple speakers in multiple locations. You can also record the event for listeners to view it later. Typically the Webinar Presenter is not in front of a live audience, although the technology makes this easy to do.

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