How to Become Purple You!

How to Become Purple You!

Derived from…
Seth Godin, Linchpin: Are You Indispensable


Redesigning Work and Organizations for the Digital Age (4)

Actions : Be Purple You!
PROFIT : Enough talk. Unless your genius is saying the right thing that makes the difference. It’s time for action. It’s time to take the steps to create Purple You. Here’s four simple questions to ask to get you started…

1 Choose
Do I want a career as a Cog or an Artist?
(Read: RAP 2 + 3)

2 Define
What’s my gift? My art? My talent? My speci
al ability?
(Read: RAPs 4 + 5)

3 Overcome

What will I need to do to overcome any resistance within myself and from others?
(Read: RAP 8)

4 Gift

What will I start giving away to share my talent, make a difference and build my reputation?
(Read: RAPs 5 + 6)

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