How To Create An Idea That Lasts Forever

Can you imagine living forever? Science has not yet uncovered the fountain of youth. And, there are clear signs of how to build an idea that could last an eternity. The Ideas Marketing Tree provides nine steps for you to have your ideas last forever…

Ideas Marketing Tree 1 Idea

All ideas start as mere thoughts. Usually as responses to what we’ve seen or heard. So, be aware of what you’re thinking. Notice what you notice.

2 Manifesto

A manifesto is a public declaration of your intent. Define your idea in a way that others can grasp it. What’s your purpose and how do you fulfil it?

3 Campaign

A campaign translates your manifesto into action so it becomes a game worth playing. Define how to win, write the rules and start scoring.

4 Publish

Social Media means we’re all in the publishing business. Package up your manifesto as content to market and promote your campaign.

5 Gap

To be successful you need to motivate others to join in. To do this you need to demonstrate the gap between where they are now and where they want to be.

6 Experience

Let people experience your idea by creating a face to face meeting. Make it emotional, memorable and worth sharing.

7 Artifact

All products are ideas in physical form. Give your idea substance by making it into a physical tool that makes life easier for all who use it.

8 Cult

Human beings are social creatures and so are our ideas. Create a sense of belonging through allowing fans to congregate around your idea.

9 Immortality

Ideas need to be practised. Define actions that support your idea and marry them with meaning to create rituals that are repeated.

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