JFK’s Land a Man on the Moon Speech – 2

In our previous post we looked at John F Kennedy’s declaration that lead to man landing on the moon. Today, we want to explore the bigger context of this challenge… the deeper manifesto within the same speech. The underlying theme is freedom over tyranny. “…These are extraordinary times. And we face an extraordinary challenge. Our […]

John F Kennedy’s Land a Man on the Moon Speech – 1

One of the most famous manifestos of all time is US President John F Kennedy’s Land a Man on the Moon speech. It’s one of the best examples of a goal manifesto. But there wasn’t one speech. There were many. And there are two famous ones. The first speech was made to Congress on May […]

The Slow Movement

The Slow Movement started in Italy with an attack on fast food. Rather than eating generic, imported foods the world over, it was a call to eat local and regional produce, recipes and organic food. It soon spread not just around the world, to others aspects of life… Slow parenting suggests you plan less activities […]

Ban Comic Sans

Some times what we notice and despise, others probably aren’t aware of until we point them out. The sensitivity to good and bad design is often privy to designers only. And, in this case Holly and David Comb’s ‘Ban Comic Sans’ takes a tongue-in-cheek approach to celebrating good typography. Manifesto Extract We are summoning forth […]

Analysis of Charlie Sheen’s 11 Point Life Manifesto

Charlie Sheen’s Manifesto 1. No panic. No judgement. 2. Leave marriage to the amateurs and the Bible grippers. 3. Don’t stress the fools and trolls who lay down with their ugly wives in front of their ugly children and look at their ugly lives. 4. You have the right to kill, but you do not […]

Ainslie Hunter: Courses That Matter

Today, we’re talking with Ainslie Hunter from Courses That Matter. Ainslie’s out to start an online Education Revolution by ending those crappy online courses. Instead, she’s creating high quality teaching within membership sites and ecourses. What prompted you to create your manifesto? I had wanted to create a manifesto ever since I saw the one […]

Martin Luther King, I Have a Dream (Part 2)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUP_ISA030c Previously, we presented Martin Luther King’s I Have A Dream speech as a manifesto proclaiming a new future. In this post we revisit his speech and link it to the US Declaration of Independence… In a sense we’ve come to our nation’s capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote […]

US Declaration of Independence (Part 2)

In our previous post we looked at the US Declaration of Independence in the context of its declaration of human rights. In this post, we look at the specific section where independence from Britain was declared. The middle section of the Declaration of Independence lists 27 reasons as to why they are seeking to create […]

US Declaration of Independence (Part 1)

Mostly we associate manifestos with politics. And perhaps, the most famous political manifesto is the US Declaration of Independence written in 1774, We’re going to look at this important manifesto in two parts. In this post, the declaration of rights. And, in our next post, the specific declaration of independence. The famous sentence is a […]

Martin Luther King, I Have a Dream (Part 1)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUP_ISA030c Context On the 28th of August 1963, several hundred thousand people congregated at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC for a series of speeches. One of the key presenters was Martin Luther King. He spoke his manifesto for 17 minutes. And his ‘I have a dream’ speech became a symbolic turning point in the […]