Business Models for Speakers

Earlier this week I presented to National Speakers in Melbourne on the topic of Business Models for Speakers. I offered four key messages:

  1. What is a Business Model? – We discussed a simple definition of a business model that focuses on what and how you provide value to your customers.
  2. Romancing the Stage – Particularly in the Australian market, it is difficult to only be a speaker. As my survey results show, many professional speakers offer other products and services or present as part of bigger projects.
  3. The Digital Shift – The traditional speaking business model of speaking to live audiences is a major contrast to the wide range of opportunities now available for presenting with digital technology. This is both a disruption and an opportunity.
  4. The Right Business Model – The right business model for you is dependent on both what you want and what you’re good at, plus what is going to satisfy your audiences and clients.

Here are the slides from my presentation:

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Business Models for Speakers – Workshop

As part of my business model I presented for free at National Speakers and I’m following this up with a paid one-day workshop. You’ll walk away with your custom design of your speaking business model.

Here’s the link for more details and to register.


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