Book Review: Out of Office

Book Review: Out of Office

The Book: Gihan Perera and Chris Pudney, Out of Office, First Step Publishing, Leederville WA, 2011

The Book Website:

I’m planning a big trip overseas for quite a few weeks over the New Year holiday period. And, when I saw that Gihan and Chris had written a book all about being a digital nomad, I jumped online as quick as a Google search to grab a copy.

I’ve read several of Gihan’s previous books and they’re always simple, strategic and full of suggestions that I can implement straight away.

Three Levels of Out of Office

This book goes through three levels of working out of the office.

  1. The Semi-Commuter is the employee who spends a few days in the office and a few days elsewhere – typically in a home-office. It also applies to employees travelling or working out of office.
  2. The E-Worker may be an employee or home-based business person who rarely commutes to an office and does most of their work online. Co-author Chris lives in Perth, Australia and telecommutes to the UK.
  3. The Digital Nomad who is typically self-employed and works from almost anywhere. This could be the local cafe, an extended interstate trip or lengthy overseas travel.

For someone wanting to shift from full-time office attendance the first part of the book would be ideal for you. It’s simply written, easily understood and covers what you need to consider.

Book Highlights

I’m an e-worker bordering on digital nomad already. Here’s what I learnt and loved about this book:

  • How to stay on top of your email – my ongoing nemesis!
  • A planning section to implement what I learnt. I now have a checklist to implement for my trip.
  • Over 40 recommended resources listed throughout the book. Some I’m using, some I’ll test, some I’ll skip.
  • A neat publishing model with a physical book and online resources. Check out the slidedeck on the Overview page and the healthy list of posts on their book specific blog. Plus audio and video files to download.
  • An overview of what you need to consider from internet connectivity to security and backing up your precious files. A worthy reminder!

If you want more, Gihan will be holding a complimentary webinar on Thursday November 24th. Here’s the link to for the webinar register.

Otherwise, check out their book website, then read the free chapter and if it fits for you buy the book. Recommended for the employer, self-employed and business traveller.




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