How to Look After Your Number One Asset

Good Food

What’s the most important thing in your business? What would you point to as your number one business asset?

I’m guessing most of us would immediately think of some of these things… my computer, my car, my phone, my internet connection, my website… These are all important and I’ve got a different answer.

Finding Your Number One Asset

Here’s how you can find your number one asset. Stand up, walk to your bathroom, stand in front of your mirror and point! That’s it! You’re looking at your number one asset – You!

If you’re a solopreneur, this is pretty obvious. If you’re an employee, I think it equally applies. The business you work for relies on you to get things done. When you’re missing in action, things don’t get done and the business suffers.

So, if you’re the number one asset in your business, what are you doing to protect you?

If you were a thing, we’d probably get some insurance. And, you still can – income protection insurance.

However, there’s a more fundamental, more basic, more natural way to do it. The answer is: Be Well!

Managing and Monitoring Your Number One Asset

I’m amazed how often I still hear people say “I got a cold from…” and then they name their partner, friend, daughter or son. Nice try! Scientifically this is not what happens. If you ask the scientists the flu and other viruses are around us all the time. It’s not that we catch them, it’s that we don’t fight them off. And, this shifts the game significantly. Instead of ‘catching a cold’ and then fighting it off. We can be proactive and build our immune system to ensure that our bodies are strong enough to fight off a cold or similar before it takes hold.

For me, to stay well I monitor and manage five things:

  1. Am I getting enough exercise?
  2. Am I eating well?
  3. Am I getting enough sleep?
  4. Am I relaxed?
  5. Have I had enough time off work?

With these simple questions, I can readily do a mental check to see how I’m travelling.

What’s your strategy for looking after your number one asset?

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