How to Build a Writing Habit (That Actually Sticks)

How to build a writing habit (that actually sticks)

The easy way to write your book is to build a writing habit. A lot of writers start writing books but never finish them. While precise statistics are hard to find, up to 90% of writers start a book but don’t complete it. That’s not good because it means 9 out of 10 people who […]

Never Again? 30-Day Pomodoro Technique Challenge

Did you know that using the Pomodoro Technique can increase your productivity by up to 25%? If that was true, that would make it the greatest productivity hack. Imagine what you could accomplish with a boost like that. The Pomodoro Technique Challenge Lately, I’ve been struggling with distractions and procrastination. And that means I’m not […]

Three Big Reasons Your Habit Building Will FAIL – Dr BJ Fogg

Three Big Reasons Your Habit Building Will Fail - Dr BJ Fogg

Have you ever tried to build a habit but failed miserably? I know I have. According to a study by the University of Scranton, only one person in ten fulfils their New Year’s Resolution. In other words, 9 out of 10 people fail. Even worse, they’ve failed by the second week of February. They only […]

Transform Your Life with Steven Pressfield’s Turning Pro Advice

Steven Pressfield - Turning Pro

Over the past 10 years, I’ve read over 400 books. I’ve only read a handful of them more than once. But one book, I’ve now read it seven times. And that book is Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield. But why would I read the same book seven times? What is Pressfield pointing to that keeps […]

How to Build Habits: Step-by-Step Guide for Success

How to Build Habits - Step-by-Step Guide

Being on autopilot is seen as a bad thing. We usually relate it to laziness, lack of caring, and lack of motivation. Not good, right? Well, maybe. Have you ever considered that being on auto-pilot was the key to success? Did you know that 40% of your daily actions are habits, not decisions? That means […]

Everyone tells you to set goals. But this is better.

Are goals wrong? This is better than goal setting

Have you ever been wrong about something that seemed so right? Like, Santa Claus – at least until you were 8 years old. Or that bulls hate red. (Nope, they’re colourblind). Or that red wine is good for you. (Nope, all alcohol is not healthy.) For me, I started eating the Paleo diet to help […]

Read this! The best book to find your Life’s Work

Read this! The Best Book to Find Your Life's Work

What’s the best book to read to find your Life’s Work? When I read this book, I started getting excited about my future. But it also set a trap for me. And it was the same old trap I always fall into. ? Failing My Life About eight weeks ago, I shared that I’d lost […]

Can you have more than one Life’s Work?

Can you have more than one Life's Work?

How many Life’s Work can you have? Normally, we think of our Life’s Work as our our job, career or work. But previously, I shared eight different types of Life’s Work. Which raises some questions. How many Life’s Work can you have? And how many is too many? ? ONE A Single Focus Let’s start with one […]

Live a Great Life! Eight Examples of Your Life’s Work

Live a Great Life! Eight Examples of Your Life's Work

What’s your Life’s Work? Most people assume it’s about your career. But it doesn’t have to be. Here are eight things people devote their lives to. And the last one might surprise you because you probably already do it but haven’t considered it. To find your Life’s Work, watch/read each example and ask yourself: Do […]

David Goggins and the One Thing Stopping Your Success

David Goggins and the One Thing Stopping Your Success

What’s the number one thing stopping you from fulfilling your Life’s Work? It’s not what you think. It’s not a lack of time, a lack of passion or a lack of opportunity. David Goggins has been called the toughest man on the planet. He has the answer. ? Who is David Goggins? David Goggins is […]