How to Create Your Blog Categories

This is the third article in a series of how to Turn Your Blog Posts into Books. Here’s the first article. And, here’s the second. Blog Categories When you write a series of blog posts they will appear as a series of pages on your website. The point of creating categories is to give your […]
Five Ways to Turn Your Blog Posts into Books

Blog Posts into Books I’ve had some good feedback from my previous blog post titled Turn Your Blog Posts into Books. I think it sparked a few ideas for some readers and I thought I’d expand on it here by offering five ways to turn your blog posts into a book. It’s become a long […]
Coaching: Five Ways to Help People
What and How As experts and consultants we often spend a lot of time thinking about what we do and not what the buyer experiences from us. I wrote about this previously here: ‘Why Experts Fail Too Often’. Recently I’ve started to review my business coaching material as I rewrite and upgrade this website. And, […]
James Burgin: How to Craft Your Personal Brand
James Burgin talks about how to craft your personal and professional brand. This is episode 030 of the Ideas Architect Podcast. Our Topic: James Burgin James Burgin is an international brand expert and Managing Director of Brand Within. They offer an integrated approach to branding, marketing and business development with a special focus on knowledge […]
Two Super Simple Business Systems
I was talking with a colleague recently and she asked: “Given you’ve published over 650 blog posts what systems do you have in play to help you with these tasks?” Good question! Since time is always a limitation for all of us, being efficient, effective and productive is crucial for getting things done and fulfilling […]
Two Ways to Fulfil Your Purpose
Fulfil Your Purpose Why are you here? What are you devoting your life to? What’s your purpose in life? It seems that more than ever we’re wanting meaning in our lives. I think it’s a function of the rate of change – the more environmental hints change the more we need to rely on our […]
Turn Your Blog Posts into Books
My Milestone I’ve had an interesting response to my earlier blog post where I shared my milestone of having written and published 650 blog posts. This post is #658. One of the comments that surprised me most was by a colleague who didn’t know one other person who had even published 100 posts let along […]
Can I Buy You Lunch?
My Start as a Business Consultant To some extent, I began my career as a consultant or business coach by being paid in food. Essentially, people started to say, “Can I buy you lunch and pick your brain” or something like that. At first, I used to think this was a wonderful thing. All I […]
Blind Strengths: Unlock Your Expertise
Strengths, Weaknesses and Hidden Talents I’ve had another thought in the series I’ve been writing around working in your strengths, overcoming your weaknesses and exposing your hidden talents. In particular, we spoke about our hidden talents… the things we do that we don’t share with others. I think there’s another group of strengths that are […]
Wes Towers: The New Rules of Website Marketing
Wes Towers from Omnific Design talks about the new rules of website marketing for consultants. It’s how to use your website to generate leads. This is episode 029 of the Ideas Architect Podcast. Our Topic: Wes Towers Wes Towers has been running Omnific Design for over 10 years providing website marketing and graphic design. In […]