The One Thing Every Brand Needs
Crowds I was flicking through some magazines at the local library today and came across National Geographic. Usually, I only see this visually beautiful magazine at the dentist when they’re a few years old. Anyway, in flicking through a recent issue (February 2014), I came across a very interesting article about crowds. The article Karma […]
10 Things I Learnt From My Customers
Recently I surveyed my customers using Survey Monkey to find out what the major issues in their businesses are. Here’s the top 10 things I learnt from their responses. 1: Time The biggest frustration for most business owners revolves around time. Half of the people that responded to our survey said the lack of time, […]
A Change of Direction
Red Dog Change can be a funny thing. I was watching the Australian movie Red Dog the other night when it was on the telly. It’s based on a true story of a dog that wanders around the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The dog is a friend to everyone and a servant to no […]
Michelle Bowden: Be the Expert in Your Field
Michelle Bowden is Australia’s top Presentation Skills Trainer. Here she talks about how she built her business over the past 20 years to be the number one expert in her field. This is episode 031 of the Ideas Architect Podcast. Our Topic: Michelle Bowden Michelle Bowden is an expert in presentation skills and in particular […]
Jason Fox: Game Changer Book Review
The Game Changer Book Dr Jason Fox; The Game Changer: How to use the science of motivation with the power of game design to shift behaviour, shape culture and make clever happen; Wiley, 2014 The Author: Dr Jason Fox Dr Jason Fox has been studying motivation for the past 10 years. Firstly, as his PhD […]
Time out: Tools for Rest and Recovery
Tools for Taking a Break Previously I mentioned an article by Chris Kresser about sitting as the new smoking. In this article, Chris mentions a number of ways to break up your work to avoid sitting down all day. One of the tools he mentions is called Time Out by Dejal. It’s a freeware app […]
Ultimate Work Fantasy
Smoking is the New Sitting Previously I proudly boasted about having written and published 650 blog posts. And whilst I’m a reasonably quick typist, this took a lot of hard work sitting at my computer tapping away. And, whilst I used to think sitting at my desk for long periods of time was a badge […]
A Book of Posts
This is the sixth and final article in a series of How to Turn Your Blog Posts into Books. Here’s the first article that introduced the idea. Here’s the second article on simply sticking a title and a cover on your posts. Here’s the third article on choosing blog categories. Here’s the fourth article on […]
Turn Your Blog Posts into Podcasts
This is the fifth article in a series of How to Turn Your Blog Posts into Books. Here’s the first article that introduced the idea. Here’s the second article on simply sticking a title and a cover on your posts. Here’s the third article on using your blog categories. And, here’s the fourth on creating […]
Story Arcs – Keep Your Readers Reading
This is the fourth article in a series of how to Turn Your Blog Posts into Books. Here’s the first article. Here’s the second. Here’s the third. What is a Story Arc? Typically when a visitor comes a clicking to your website and your blog they’re looking for a single thing. Your challenge as a […]