Mobile Computing

Mobilize Me: Why Mobile Computing is the Key to Your Future Derived from Michael Saylor’s book The Mobile Wave. [easyazon-link asin=”1593157207″ locale=”us”]Buy The Mobile Wave on Amazon[/easyazon-link] Mobilize Me: Why Mobile Computing is the Key to Your Future from Geoff McDonald  

Simple Strategy

How to Profit From Your Unique Business Advantage Derived from Richard Rumelt’s book Good Strategy, Bad Strategy. [easyazon-link asin=”0307886239″ locale=”us”]Buy Good Strategy Bad Strategy on Amazon[/easyazon-link] Simple Strategy from Geoff McDonald

Book Review: Infinite Possibilities by Pine and Korn

How to use Digital Technology to Create Unique Customer Experiences Derived from Joseph Pine and Kim Korn’s book Infinite Possibility. [easyazon-link asin=”160509563X” locale=”us”]Buy Infinite Possibility on Amazon[/easyazon-link] The Third Place from Geoff McDonald Book Summary and Review: Infinite Possibility The Book This Book Rapper summary is derived from Joseph Pine and Kim Korn; Infinite Possibility […]

Why is Optimism important? Optimism and Delusion

Here’s a video of my friend and colleague Helen Macdonald presenting an interesting take on leadership at TEDxMelbourne: The Balance of Optimism and Delusion. Her first point is about the epidemic we are all struggling with. An epidemic of positivity. How many times have you been told to look on the bright side of life? […]

Book Review: Dealing with the Tough Stuff

Darren Hill, Allison Hill and Dr Sean Richardson, Dealing with the Tough Stuff; Jossey-Bass; 2012. Disclaimer: This book was a gift from the authors. There’s an old saying ‘Don’t judge a book by it’s cover’. And, with this book I did – to my cost. I’m highly visual. In writing Book Rapper, I loiter around […]

The Fundamental Key to Personal and Business Growth

One of the joys of researching, writing and designing Book Rapper is that I learn as I create. I need to understand what I’m writing about to be able to share the key ideas simply and quickly. One of my key strategies is to look for the underlying principles. And in our latest issue ‘Mobilize Me – […]

Branding and The Truman Show

Whenever I go to networking events, I usually meet someone who knows me via Book Rapper. They greet me as if I’m a long lost friend. I love their warm welcome. And, it can be a little awkward when I don’t know who they are. The Truman Show Sometimes, I feel like Jim Carrey in The […]