Your Art: From Mechanical to Digital

Your Art: From Mechanical to Digital

Derived from…
Seth Godin,
Linchpin: Are You Indispensable
What’s Your Special Talent?

RAP5 : Your Art (2)

The Industrial Revolution revolved around handmade goods being replaced by machine made ones.

This prompted the rise of standardization and predictable products.
And, industrial marketing followed suit.

Factories needed workers to be cogs in their bigger machine.

If you were an artist making your own handmade, personalized contributions you were pushed to the outer.

The Digital and Internet Revolution has enabled customized goods to be made as easily as standardized ones.

Plus, it has given access to production to everyone with a laptop.

The resultant flood of output and creative energy has literally turned the game inside out.
To be noticed you need to be different, special and remarkable.
The work of the artist has returned to centre stage.

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