2011: The Year of the Manifesto

2011: The Year of the Manifesto According to the UN, 2011 is the year of the forest. The Chinese will tell you it’s the year of the rabbit. And, Pantone will tell it’s the year of Honeysuckle, colour #18-2120.

For you, what is 2011 the year of?

  • What do you want to have happen?
  • What do you want to change?
  • What new way of being do you want to adopt?
  • What community do you want to build?
  • What results do you want to produce?
  • What’s your theme for 2011?

For me, I declare 2011, The Year of the Manifesto.

It’s the year for making change happen. It’s the year to raise the stakes. It’s the year for making a public declaration about what I’m doing.

The Manifesto Project

And to make The Year of the Manifesto a reality, I’ll be collecting and helping create 1000 manifestos during 2011. That’s my project. And, that’s the Manifesto Project. More on that in our next post…

What 2011 means to you? Add your comment below.

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