The Manifesto Project

Manifesto Project In our previous post, I declared 2011 The Year of the Manifesto. Manifestos are declarations of intent. And, this is my declaration for 2011.

If all I did was sprout out ‘The Year of the Manifesto’, then my words would soon become very hollow. So, when you make a declaration you need to follow it up with some substance. Your idea needs to live in some way.

Thus I’ve created a project, the Manifesto Project. To fulfil on my quest for 2011 to become the Year of the Manifesto I need to bring manifestos alive in the minds, thoughts and actions of some people.

The Manifesto Project has the goal to collect and share 1000 manifestos for the year.

You can help by sharing your manifesto, pointing me to other manifestos or creating your own.

I’ll be blogging about why, what and how to create a manifesto right here.

And, over at, we’ll be posting all of the manifestos we can find. If we can post 1000 manifestos on the one site, then we can create the world’s best collection of manifestos. And, hopefully provoke enough people, to quote Steve Jobs, to make a dent in the universe.

Your Invitation

I invite you to join us. You can create your own manifesto. You can share the manifestos of others. And, you can get inspired by some of the great things people around the world are causing. Let’s create a world that works!

What would a world that works look, sound and feel like to you? Add your comment below.

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