Where is your focus?

Focussed Wealth Strategy

Driving in the Dark

Last night I was driving home in the rain. It appeared to be darker than usual. Given it hadn’t rained in Melbourne for a while I thought that I simply wasn’t used to driving in those conditions. As I drove closer to home I started to think there was something wrong with the streetlights. Had they taken some away? Were they not working?

Finally I arrived home. And, then it dawned on me. I knew what the cause of the darkness was… It was me! Or, more specifically it was my car – my headlights were not working. The staggering thing was that I’d driven 30 minutes and at some point during that time my headlights stopped working – probably a blown fuse. I’m now grateful that I made it home alive and didn’t cause an accident for anyone else.

And, here’s the weird part… My in-car dashboard lights were working and my high-beam were working. The problem was my low-beam.

Where is your focus?

I started to think about this as a metaphor… I can see in the short distance to my in-car dashboard. And, I could see long distance with my hi-beam. However, my mid-vision was dark. This was interesting for me… I do focus well on the immediate task and hover in the future. Perhaps, I’m not so good in the medium term…

QUESTION: Where is your focus? Near future, middle or long-distance?

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Purpose Focus

Previously we talked about 11 types of Business Fitness. One of them was Purpose Fitness – how well do you focus on your purpose?

In particular we shared Sam Cawthorn’s use of ‘10x10x10’ to hone in his focus and his intention. He asks the question:

How much difference is this going to make to my life and others in the next 10 minutes, 10 months and 10 years?

QUESTION: Where is your focus – 10 minutes, 10 months or 10 years?


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