Business Fitness Podcast

Ideas Architect PodcastHow fit are you? How fit is your business? Whilst we tend to think of ‘fitness’ as part of exercise, it’s also a useful measure to judge the performance of our business. Just as fitness leads to good health, a lack of fitness can lead to an under-performing or even fatal business illness.

This is episode 75 of the Ideas Architect Podcast and it is based on a previous blog post where we look at 11 types of business fitness:

  1. Financial
  2. Implementation
  3. Completion
  4. Social
  5. Sales
  6. Marketing
  7. Presentation
  8. Creative
  9. Knowledge
  10. Purpose
  11. Personal

Plus we look at 5 ways to tackle your Business Fitness:

  1. Go to the gym
  2. Workout with a trainer
  3. Practice
  4. Group Class
  5. Goals and Projects

Show Notes

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