Web Line 16: How to Assemble an Online Army

Web Line 16: How to Assemble an Online Army

Derived From
Chris Brogan and Julien Smith, Trust Agents
Web Line 15: Online Etiquette Tips

RAP 7: Assemble An Army
PROFIT : Alone you can make so much difference. With the right army you can change the world.

Your New Look Army
The army we’re talking about may be diverse in it’s make-up…

  • Mastermind Groups : Napoleon Hill suggested we align with like-minds 50 years ago. Form your face-to-face and/or online group today.
  • Aggregators : Creating a way to collaborate is key. Google Docs, Google Wave, Wikis, Twitter… the tools are out there waiting for you.
  • Automation : Your army can be software and machines to fill the gaps between the jobs humans do better.

Actions: Spread ‘EM
Here’s some tips for spreading your ideas further and faster:

  1. Choose one thing to focus on.
  2. Simplify the process for spreading the word. Make it dead easy.
  3. Why bother? Create a powerful reason for others to take action.
  4. Find people who are aligned to your cause.
  5. Create an incentive or benefit for those who play with you.

Actions: Scaling Up
Here’s some tips for managing a large scale army:

  • Simple gestures matter – it’s not how many words you write.
  • Visit others and add a comment or two…
  • Give something back to your community.
  • Promote others – raising other worthy people will raise your stakes too!

Actions: A Leg Up
Here’s some tips for giving your ideas the legs they need to inspire others to grab them, use them and shout about them:

  • Write blog posts that give others the tools and strategies they need to succeed.
  • Sharely generously with social news and bookmarking sites like Delicious, Google Reader, etc.
  • Contribute to Flickr and YouTube – great places to be reposted.
  • Share your thoughts on platforms eg Twitter, Facebook
  • Create and distribute free ebooks that enable others to use your ideas as their own.

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