Web Line 12: 5 Keys to Maintaining Your Network

Web Line 12: 5 Keys to Maintaining Your Network

Derived From
Chris Brogan and Julien Smith, Trust Agents
Book Website
Web Line 11: Five Steps to Building Your Network

Actions: Maintaining Your Network

  1. Touch Regularly : Simple personal messages count.
  2. Calendar Reminders : Use technology to alert you to birthdays and other special events.
  3. Service Levels : Know the limit of what you can provide. Don’t over promise or build false expectations.
  4. Sort Your Network : Some people are simply more important to you than others. Identify your friends and keep in touch with them as your priority.
  5. Build Armies : When you build trust you build a platform to make requests. An army can help you get things done.

Actions: What do I put on my Business Cards?
Yes, you still need them!

As a minimum you want your name, mobile, email + blog URL.

Plus add any other ways you want to be contacted.
For instance, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, LinkedIn.
You choose which ones are most important to you.

Download the full Book Rapper issue: WebLine http://www.bookrapper.com/

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