Taruni Falconer – Cross-Cultural Leadership Habits

Taruni Falconer - Cross-cultural Leadership HabitsTaruni Falconer

Cross-cultural communication expert Taruni Falconer helps people work in other cultures or come to Australasia. Her role is to help them navigate their new cultural landscape and work settings.

Effectively, Taruni Falconer is a Habits Coach. She helps leaders communicate effectively in high-stakes situations and teach them how to develop powerful habits and practices.

Taruni Falconer is aware that to be successful in cross-cultural situations we need to communicate in a way that is appropriate to the new setting – rather than accidentally offending the locals. And, that how we communicate goes beyond the words we use.

Ideas Architect Podcast

Geoff McDonald and the Ideas Architect PodcastSome of the things you will learn from Episode 101 of the Ideas Architect Podcast include:

  • What is the cross-cultural challenge and why is it important?
  • How it is possible that people in India and other cultures might actually be saying ‘No’ even though they speak the word ‘Yes’.
  • Why presuming a dominant culture is no longer appropriate or effective in the workplace.
  • What is the cultural communication style of Australians? And, what impact does this have on our relationships with people from other cultures?
  • Why are clothes are more than just a physical representation of our cultural expression?
  • The importance of learning cultural principles rather than specific actions
  • The three Cs of great facilitation
  • Why investing in behaviour change through training is a better investment than merely telling people how to do it
  • What Bruce Lee said about practice and performance
  • The important difference between a habit and a practice
  • The big challenge for business leaders and the key difference between how elite performers in sport and the arts train and improve their skills compared to the usual practices in the business world.
  • Why building habits are essential to overcoming automatic and default behaviour when working in cross-cultural situations

Habits are unconscious; Practices are deliberate – Taruni Falconer

Resources for Building Habits

To talk of a dominant culture is to show an outdated mindset – Taruni Falconer

Podcast Show Notes

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