Best You – How to Stick to Your Values – 28-Day Challenge
Can you stick to your values for 28 days? I took on a core values challenge to find out. ? How do you become your BEST YOU? I’ve been telling people that living true to your values can help you become happier and more successful. But is that true? Or is that pseudo-science someone made […]
Your Personal Core Values – From Good to Great
Knowing your Personal Core Values is good. But how do you turn your Core Values into something great? Something that makes your life better in a noticeable way… ? Ask yourself right now. Is my life good or great? If you’re like me, some bits of my life are good and some are great. I […]
Top Ten Universal Human Values that Will CHANGE Your Life!
I need to change my core values because they don’t reflect the Universal Human Values. ? Choosing The Right Personal Values What are the best personal values you can have? I recently defined my values. But did I choose the right ones? Today I’ll share the top ten Universal Human Values. They are the result […]
Empower Your Life – How to Stick to Your Values
Are you ready to empower your life and unlock your true potential? To achieve this you need to find ways to stick to your values. If you had to rate yourself on how well you are living based on your true potential, what would be your score? ? The big problem with unlocking your true […]
Determine Your Core Life Values in 3 EASY Steps
Today, I’ll show you how to determine your core life values in 3 easy steps. And to make this practical, I’ll show you the exact steps I took to define my values. ? Your values are your compass for your life. They help you make good decisions and keep you heading in the right direction. […]
How to use Core Values to Make Better Decisions
What is the key to a meaningful life? Is it money or happiness? Or something else? Today, we’re exploring Core Values. After reading this you’ll know: What they are Why you need them And how to use them to live a meaningful life. ? Over the past 25 years, I’ve spent thousands of dollars doing […]
Write a Personal Manifesto – Two Quick and Easy Ways
What’s the easiest way to write a personal manifesto? Is it a List, Motto, Purpose, Vision, Mission, Ideal Day, Values or Worldview manifesto? ? Today I’ll share the two easiest ways to write a personal manifesto. Each one only takes ten minutes to complete. And they can keep you inspired for years to come. Plus, […]
How I Wrote My Personal Manifesto in Under Ten Minutes
I wrote my personal manifesto in under 10 minutes. Here’s how I did it. Ready, set, go. ? An Easy Way to Write a Personal Manifesto When you write your personal manifesto there are three core questions you can answer: What you want Who do you want to become How you want to live One […]
How to Write a 5-Star Personal Manifesto like Benjamin Franklin
How do you write a five-star personal manifesto? That’s an easy question compared to this one… How do you become your best self? That might be the most important question you could ever ask yourself. I’ve been studying these questions for over 13 years. During this time, I’ve collected and created hundreds of manifestos to […]
Write a Personal Manifesto – Seven Ways to be Inspired
What’s the best way to write a personal manifesto? I’ve been collecting and studying thousands of manifestos over the past ten years to come up with the best seven ways that you can write a Personal Manifesto. But which one is the best one for you? And why did Life of Riza only score two […]