Manifesto Meaning – Write a Manifesto to Create Your Future
How do you create your future? That’s a pretty important question for all of us – personally, in our careers and in business. And how can you write a manifesto (manifesto meaning) to do this? Today, I’ll answer both of these questions. Manifesto Meaning Let’s start with manifesto meaning. What does the word manifesto mean? […]
5 Reasons You Need a Flag
In our previous post we talked about five principles of good flag design. And, we suggested you that you need a flag for your business. In this post we share five reasons that you should design your own flag. 1 The Need to Think The most compelling reason that you need a flag is because […]
Leadership Trend: Accumulate Meaning
This is the sixth of six in a series of self-leadership trends adapted from Daniel Pink’s book A Whole New Mind. Previously in this series were: Function and Design Argument and Story Focus and Symphony Logic and Empathy Seriousness and Play Over the years most of us have accumulated a lot of things. Some of […]