How to Write a Manifesto – 9 Questions, 9 Manifesto Examples

How to Write a Manifesto - Nine Questions, Nine Manifesto Examples

How to write a manifesto How to write a manifesto, create a vision or define your brand? You answer these nine questions. The key is to find the right angle – the viewpoint that helps you stand up for what you believe in and stand out in the noisy marketplace. You do want to be […]

3 Manifestos Create the Future

Here’s the third in a nine part series looking at the Manifesto Manifesto principles with a view to creating your own manifesto. Manifestos are bold intentions. They don’t describe things, they declare them into existence. Take a stand, sharpen your purpose and incite the future. Four questions to ask yourself when you sit down to […]

2 Manifestos Terminate the Past

Here’s the second in a nine part series looking at the Manifesto Manifesto principles with a view to creating your own manifesto. Manifestos draw a line in the sand. They say ‘this ends here. Now!’ And a new context, a new era and a new beginning starts. Do this effectively and your results will accelerate […]

1 Manifestos Are Primal

Manifestos are primal

  Here’s the first in a nine-part series looking at the Manifesto Manifesto principles with a view to creating your own manifesto. In his best-selling book, Permission Marketing, Seth Godin describes it brilliantly: Everything starts with a manifesto. In other words, manifestos are primal. The words primal and primary mean ‘first’ or ‘most important’. This […]

Manifesto Score Case Study: Manifesto Manifesto

Time to take a dose of my own medicine… Our second Case Study using the Manifesto Score… Manifesto: Manifesto Manifesto Created by: Geoff McDonald Source: Manifesto Score YES Manifestos are primal: Yes, we clearly have a manifesto! NO Manifestos terminate the past: No end to anything here… NO Manifestos create new worlds: No real […]

FAQ on The Manifesto Manifesto

Do all manifestos have to have include all nine principles? No. Simple manifestos may simply have a list of actions. For example, Christianity’s Ten Commandments is a powerful manifesto that is merely a list of 10 things to do or not do. Likewise, the Manifesto Manifesto doesn’t include all nine principles! (Should I change this?) […]

Manifestos: Our Manifesto For Creating Yours

Manifesto Project - How to Write a Manifesto

Manifestos have a structure to them. And, here’s are our nine principles for creating yours. Click on the headings for a deeper explanation. The Nine Manifesto Principles 1.    Manifestos are primal Manifestos are the first and most fundamental thing you should create. They’re your foundation stone upon which all other things are built. Create them, […]