Best Place to Publish Thought Leadership Content 2023

The Best Place to Publish Thought Leadership Content in 2023

Where is the best place to publish your thought leadership content in 2023? Is it Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, or none of those This is such a critical question. If you make a smart choice about where you are going to publish it can make the difference between wasting your time, effort, and energy creating content […]

The Clever Content Creation Way to an Expert Personal Brand

The Clever Content Creation Way to an Expert Personal Brand

If you want to attract your ideal clients, you need to build an expert personal brand. But how do you do that? And specifically, how do you do that through content creation? In this post, I’ll share three principles, three examples and ten big tips to help you create your expert personal brand so you […]

How do you gather your information? Search Engines or Social Networks?

Mike Hickinbotham on LinkedIn asked an interesting question: “Will people prefer social networks over search engines to gather information” Here’s my response… Social networks are taking over from search engines for the less specific questions we have in life. Google is great at finding specific things. It’s like using the card catalogue or computer at […]

My Big Social Media Mistake

I’ve been making a big mistake around Social Media. I’ve been posting a few blog entries. I’ve been doing Facebook. Started on Twitter. Added slideshows and book reviews on LinkedIn. Even said “I like it” on StumbleUpon. I’ve been playing the social media game but doing it all completely wrong. I realised what I was […]