Best Place to Publish Thought Leadership Content 2023

Where is the best place to publish your thought leadership content in 2023? Is it Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, or none of those This is such a critical question. If you make a smart choice about where you are going to publish it can make the difference between wasting your time, effort, and energy creating content […]
The Top 10 Internet Moments of the Decade
The Top 10 Internet Moments of the Decade (Source: The Age) What are the most influential internet moments of the decade? The Webby Awards are happening again and they’re reviewing the noughties decade with their top 10 of internet moments. Here’s the list: Craigslist online classified site expands outside San Francisco (2000) The launch of […]
My Big Social Media Mistake
I’ve been making a big mistake around Social Media. I’ve been posting a few blog entries. I’ve been doing Facebook. Started on Twitter. Added slideshows and book reviews on LinkedIn. Even said “I like it” on StumbleUpon. I’ve been playing the social media game but doing it all completely wrong. I realised what I was […]
Join the Microblog set – Start Tweetering, I just did…
In our previous RAP, We Blog, we looked at the whole blogging thing. As part of this, in our Book Rapper Context, we outlined the path of the web: From websites to blogs and to microblogs. The easiest way to describe this progression is to say: The web just got faster! Historically, this acceleration parallels […]