Manifesto Meaning – Write a Manifesto to Create Your Future
How do you create your future? That’s a pretty important question for all of us – personally, in our careers and in business. And how can you write a manifesto (manifesto meaning) to do this? Today, I’ll answer both of these questions. Manifesto Meaning Let’s start with manifesto meaning. What does the word manifesto mean? […]
Definitions of Thought Leadership
Definitions of Thought Leadership: What is a thought leader? What is a Thought Leader? Prior to 1990, the term ‘thought leader’ was not widely used. And then suddenly ‘thought leaders’ started appearing everywhere. First in books, then in conversations, it’s now a search term on Google and business experts are branding themselves in ‘thought leadership’. But […]
What is a Manifesto?
What is a Manifesto? If we’re going to talk about creating a manifesto the rather obvious question is: What is a manifesto? The word ‘Manifesto’ comes from the latin word ‘manifest‘ which means ‘to make visible or to reveal‘. A manifesto reveals your intent. Most dictionaries define a manifesto as: A public declaration of intent. […]