Four Questions to Win the Game of Life

Four Questions to Win the Game of Life

I’m a sports nut. I’ll watch almost any sport – especially Aussie Rules football. And from watching and playing a lot of sports, I know that players don’t just go out onto the field and run around like mad fools. They just don’t turn up and expect to win. Instead, they plan. They create a game […]

Seven Ways to Write Your Book Faster Today

Seven ways to write your book faster

You want to write a book, but you fear that it will take too long. Or you’ve already started and it’s taking longer than you thought. How can you write your book faster? In this video, I’ll share the surprising secret to writing your book faster from someone who hasn’t even written a book. Plus, […]

8 Manifestos Provoke Action

Manifestos Provoke Action

Manifesto Principle #8 On a movie set, a distinct event happens that translates the script into a movie. It’s the moment when the clapperboard strikes and the gaffer calls ‘action’. This is important for two reasons. The first is to align the sound and visuals on the film so they can be edited easily later. […]

The Repair Manifesto

Context It used to be natural to repair things. Now we throw them out in the belief that they will be recycled. No loss, the planet wins. Not so. Recycling is often not an effective action. Some things cannot be easily recycled. It can be expensive and therefore may not get done. And, sometimes the […]