Roger Simpson: Build Your Marketing System

Roger Simpson

Roger Simpson, The Retail SolutionRoger Simpson is Australia’s #1 Authority on Customer ROI in the retail industry. He’s an expert on staff coaching, customer service and selling skills. His business is called The Retail Solution and he’s the author of the book of the same name: The Retail Solution. Roger has built a very successful business employing three consultants plus a virtual assistant and he’s worked with some of the biggest retail brands in the country including BP, Just Jeans and Kathmandu. His company have delivered training in over 30 countries and in most cases delivered sales increases in excess of 100%.

Our Topic

One of the keys to Roger’s success is the marketing system that he’s built. It’s a distinct set of steps that attracts customers and provides opportunity for effective selling. In my view, it works particularly well because it’s a great match for his personality style. And, that’s what we’re exploring today, how to build a marketing system based on your personality. Roger’s example may not fit you and your business and it will give you a few clues as to the marketing system you could build in your business.

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In this Podcast Episode

  • How to retain your clients and do repeat work with them for over 10 years.
  • The most important thing in business.
  • The importance of being able to the language of your customers.
  • Are you a deep or a light relationship builder?
  • Where is retail headed and how the buying and selling is changing.
  • The secret of knowing what you can manage and what you can’t.
  • How to choose the right channels for your business – is it online, offline or some mix of both?
  • The benefits of writing a book and how to make it happen.
  • Should you be selling your book or giving them away?
  • Does it matter if no one reads your book?
  • How to write your book using post-it notes.
  • The importance of knowing what you’re really good at and how this into your marketing plan.
  • How to use Linked In to attract your ideal customers.
  • The two keys to attracting your ideal clients.

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