Related Reading to Seth Godin’s Linchpin

Related Reading to Seth Godin’s Linchpin

Derived from…
Seth Godin, Linchpin: Are You Indispensable


What’s the opposite of Resistance?

Companion Pieces
If you want to expand your reading further, here’s four other Book Rapper issues that discuss the changing nature of work…

The Four Hour JOLT!
New rules for living and w
Includes practical strategies for changing your work.
Including the promotion and retirement of the 40 hour work week.

Derived from: Timothy Ferris, The Four Hour Work Week

How to Think Right
Your Right Brained Career Path.
How left brain work is being outsourced.
And why your right brain skills are becoming increasingly important for your future career.
Derived from: Daniel Pink, A Whole New Mind

Design Advantage
The Secret to Creating Long-Term Value.
Of particular interest is the Knowledge Funnel.
It’s a potent model for reviewing three important types of work that may influence your career direction.

Derived from: Roger Martin, The Design of Business

Web Line
How to succeed online.
Presents a similar view to Seth around being generous, giving gifts and the limits of quid pro quo.

Derived from: Chris Brogan and Julian Smith, Trust Agents

Get the full Book Rapper issue: Purple You

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