Strengthen and Outsource

Marketing Trends #4 - Strengthen and Outsource

Strengthen AND Outsource

This is the fourth in a series of 14 marketing trends adapted from Seth Godin’s book Meatball Sundae.

From In-house to Global

In the Old Marketing, it was hard to find good help. Building and keeping an in-house team was the model for success.

In the New Marketing, almost everything can be outsourced some where in our global economy. You don’t have to be a manufacturer or producer anymore, someone else can do that for you and probably quicker, cheaper and better.

It’s time to focus on your strengths and your uniqueness; outsource the rest. Work out the best way to get something done and then ensure you get others to do it for you. You’re worth more than that. Go with your strengths and your passions.

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This is from the Book Rapper issue Marketing How-Now that is derived from Seth Godin’s brilliant book Meatball Sundae.


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