Marketing Trend: No Gatekeepers

Marketing Trend #14 - No Gatekeepers

This is marketing trend #14 in a series of 14 marketing trends adapted from Seth Godin’s book Meatball Sundae. Previously in this series: Consumer Getting Louder

In the Old Marketing world, if you could get published in a popular magazine or get on TV you were set. Everyone would see you if only… The real key was getting past the gatekeepers who controlled access to those who controlled the big opportunities.

The game to play was to piggyback on the big guys who’d made it – if only you could get passed those damn gatekeepers!


Open Fields

Editors > Newspapers, Magazines Blog – Your Publication
Old Boys Network MySpace – Your Network
Retail Space > Major Stores eBay – Your Store
Producers > TV, Radio YouTube – Your TV Channel
Money > Pay for mass advertising Relationships (No mass ads)
PR > Help to bypass the gatekeepers  
Record Labels  
“I know someone…”  

The New Marketing has no gatekeepers. Now, the game is more like Show and Tell with the opportunity to converse directly with your audience. Gone are the filters, the time constraints and the need for money.

The tools to use for Show and Tell are freely available on the Internet. That’s what a blog is… and that’s what Facebook is… and… Get it?

[Tweet “No more gatekeepers guarding the big opportunities #marketingtrend”]

Remember people aren’t just sitting around waiting to hear from you, you need to engage them, excite them and make it worth their while.

Get out into the web playground and start making friends! Strut your stuff through all the new social media.


This is from the Book Rapper issue Marketing How-Now that is derived from Seth Godin’s brilliant book Meatball Sundae.


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