Leading With Social Media

Derived from Rahaf Harfoush, Yes We Did

For the naysayers ‘Leading With Social Media’ may sound like an oxymoron. In contrast Barack Obama’s Presidential campaign has set the benchmark for what can be achieved using social media. Three decisive strategies underpin the campaign’s success: sparking the desired action, rapping the right conversations and building a treasure trove of worthy content.

Spark Action, Rap Conversations, Add ContentSpark Action

What’s the point of social media? Same as any technology – to spark action to achieve your goals. The decisive point is to be really clear what action you want to incite both online and offline.

  • Where are we going?
  • Are we there yet?
  • Why are we doing this?

Rap Conversations

Mass Media is essentially a broadcast medium. It’s a one-way monologue. Your TV can’t hear you! Social Media is about interaction, it’s two-way, direct and it’s built on conversations.

  • What are we talking about?
  • Can I say something?
  • Will you join with me?

Add Content

Mass Media was controlled by the few and distributed to the many. In contrast, Social Media is ‘social’ because we can all participate. And, the digital natives expect to add their own content.

  • Can I play?
  • Can you help me?
  • Can I share?

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