Keith Keller – Crack the Twitter Code

Keith Keller - Crack the Twitter CodeDo you get Twitter? And, I don’t mean do you know what it does. Instead, I mean do you get Twitter such that you can use it to produce real, concrete and tangible results in your business? In Episode 72 of the Ideas Architect Podcast we talk with one of the world’s top Twitter experts, Keith Keller about how to crack the Twitter Code and use it to make connections, build relationships and grow your business.

Keith Keller

Keith Keller is rated by Kred as one of the top 1% Twitter users in the world. Keith is a Twitter Marketing Specialist and coaches clients around the wold in how to grow their business with Twitter. He’s also a popular speaker on Twitter and has appeared on numerous radio shows, teleseminars and webinars across the US, Canada, Europe, Asia and Australia. He’s also the author of ‘Crack the Twitter Code’.

[Tweet “World Twitter Expert @KeithKeller tell us how to crack the Twitter code #twitter”]

Topic: Crack the Twitter Code

  • Why most people don’t get about Twitter
  • How Keith was featured in the Huffington Post
  • How to drive your own traffic
  • Why Twitter is one of the best social media channels for driving traffic
  • Why no one might see your posts on Facebook
  • The 10:1 Strategy for Twitter Success
  • The power of collaboration for generating reach
  • The importance of niche marketing
  • The starting point for your Twitter Success
  • How to connect with the right people on Twitter
  • The most hated thing on Twitter and how to avoid it
  • How to Connect people so everyone wins
  • Why you should connect with people you don’t already know
  • Keith Keller’s daily Twitter Power Habit
  • Cyber Karma – the Twitter Philosophy that works
  • What the movie Avatar can teach you about succeeding at Twitter
  • Why you should go deep and not wide

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