The Ideas Marketing Seminar Series

Ideas Marketing Late last year we trialled a couple of 3 hour seminars. And, based upon this success we’re going to run some more…

It’ll be a similar format to the previous seminars. They’ll be 3 hours in length. They’ll be run as small-group sessions with between 6-10 people. Two seminars will be held on each day.


And together they’ll cover all eight elements of the Ideas Marketing Tree:

  • Idea: How to be create almost anything
  • Manifesto: Capture your BIG idea and share it publicly
  • Campaign: Define your focus in a personal project and business game
  • Publish: Share your BIG idea via Content Marketing and Social Media
  • Experience: Create events and moments your customers will saviour and share
  • Artifacts: Design and build products and things that promote your message AND earn you money
  • Cult: Assemble your community of followers
  • Immortality: Design a series of practices that immortalise your idea

Dates – Thursday

  • March 1: Idea and Manifesto
  • March 15: Campaign and Publish
  • March 29: Experience and Artifacts
  • April 12: Cult and Immortality


All events will be in Melbourne. Venue to be confirmed


  • One Seminar: $120 plus GST
  • Three Seminars $270 ($90 each) plus GST
  • All Eight Seminars $440 ($55 each) plus GST

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