Ideal Work Trends

Ideas Architect PodcastWhilst most of us spend our days sitting at the desk slaving away at a computer, there are three significant workplace trends that suggest this might not be your future. And, alternatives are already here.

  1. Mobile Everything
  2. From Visual to Auditory
  3. Sitting is the New Smoking

Plus, this all becomes very interesting when you combine these three trends with the two fundamental work questions:

  1. What does your ideal day look like?
  2. What is your best way to work?

In the Ideas Architect Podcast Episode #80, we discuss these three trends and two vital questions to prompt you to re-think how you work.

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If you’d rather read this episode, visit these two blog posts:

  1. The End of the Desk: Three Massive Workplace Trends
  2. How do you do your best work?

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