My Daily Routine

In response to my previous blog post, I’ve had a few people ask about my routine. For most of my life my routine has been overly based on what I feel like doing. Sometimes, when I’m inspired and have a clear objective this works really, really well. In this frame I can get a lot […]
Daily Rituals by Mason Currey

How Great Minds Work At the moment I’m exploring and experimenting with habits. So when I found Mason Currey’s book called ‘Daily Rituals: How Great Minds Make Time, Find Inspiration and Get to Work’ I just had to grab it and devour it. It includes short, sharp snapshots of the working routines of over 160 […]
12 Power Habits to Make Your Life Easier
Power Habits Leo Babuta writes one of the most popular blogs on the plaent. And, in his simple, powerful and easy to read book The Power of Less suggests some power habits to start with (the ebook is free so you have no excuses not to grab it!) Plus, I add my comments: Make Your […]
Dave Bruno – The 100 Thing Challenge
Coincidences Do you believe in coincidences? Sometimes life is too weird and you can only wonder at how two odd things can come together in seemingly random ways. The previous book I read was by Sebastian Terry. It was called ‘100 Things’. And, this book, that I’ve just finished is called ‘The 100 Thing Challenge’. […]
Habit Challenge: My Ten Day TV Fast
There seems to be a groundswell of interest in habits at the moment. I’ve been noticing this trend ever since I rapped Charles Duhigg’s fabulous book The Power of Habits for Book Rapper a couple of years back. Lately, I’ve been devouring these works on the same topic: Leo Babauta, The Power of Less Steve […]
Jason Fox: Design Your Motivation Strategy
Jason Fox is the author of The Game Changer and an expert on motivation strategy and design. This is episode 033 of the Ideas Architect Podcast. Our Topic: Jason Fox Dr Jason Fox is a speaker, author and consultant on motivation and design. He has a PhD based on learning how to motivate people to […]
Review Your Performance
Review Your Work Do you ever stop and review how far you’ve come? Recently, I’ve updated a few old issues of Book Rapper for a client. When I say old, they were done 3-4 years ago. Seems like forever! Basically, I was converting the read rap or the pdf into a set of slides, a […]
Jason Fox: Game Changer Book Review
The Game Changer Book Dr Jason Fox; The Game Changer: How to use the science of motivation with the power of game design to shift behaviour, shape culture and make clever happen; Wiley, 2014 The Author: Dr Jason Fox Dr Jason Fox has been studying motivation for the past 10 years. Firstly, as his PhD […]
Time out: Tools for Rest and Recovery
Tools for Taking a Break Previously I mentioned an article by Chris Kresser about sitting as the new smoking. In this article, Chris mentions a number of ways to break up your work to avoid sitting down all day. One of the tools he mentions is called Time Out by Dejal. It’s a freeware app […]
Ultimate Work Fantasy
Smoking is the New Sitting Previously I proudly boasted about having written and published 650 blog posts. And whilst I’m a reasonably quick typist, this took a lot of hard work sitting at my computer tapping away. And, whilst I used to think sitting at my desk for long periods of time was a badge […]